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A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative

Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy & Return Policy

Location and Intent:


All physical and electronically shipped products are sent from and only in accordance to the time, space, place, and plane of the United States of America and not from the territories, possessions, and inchoate states that are owned by and ceded to the "United States of America" which are districts, territories, possessions, properties, cantons, and inchoate states that are individually and collectively called the "United States" or by its enclave or canton names such as the State of Texas (TX), the State of California (CA), etc... Hence, according to the multiple and simultaneous jurisdictions in the world-internet paradigm, it is fully objectively and non-subjectively stated and proclaimed, here on the A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative site (, that any and all products from A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative are only from the time, space, place, and plane that is "without" the United States; a time, space, place, and plane called the United States of America. The above language is straight forward and non-ambiguous and "without" vexatious double meanings and connotations.  Therefore, A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative accepts no responsibility and/or liability, nonindebitatus assumpsit, for third party(s) that do not legitimately disclose their location, intent, time, space, place, and plane. Furthermore, the A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative reserves all rights and its affiliated researcher(s) reserve all natural rights, immunities, and privileges "without" the United States.


Replacement vs Return:


The return policy of A.S.A.R. R.A. is effective only in relation to replacement.  Upon it being established that the customer has received a defective or insufficient product, the A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative will proceed to replace such defectively related product(s) with an on-par, or above-par product, but never below-par product. It is the desire, task, and responsibility of the A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative to deliver a whole, non-defective product as has been advertised.


The A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative is a research based paradigm in which its related products can be accepted or denied by anyone.  Consequently, once a buyer has received the transmittal (by mail or any deemed appropriate on-line applications) of a non-defective product, then that terminates the "Shipping and/or Return" policy and arrangement between of the A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative and the buying customer.  Simply put, the product(s) are "replaceable" but not "returnable".


Replacement Time Limit for Notice of Deficient Product:


The buying customer, within 72 hours, must submit a "replacement" claim for any defective product by correspondence through email. At such time, A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative will expeditiously take steps to correct such a faulty exchange. We are here to support and construct postitve community relations, not take from or destroy those relations!



Why products are not "returnable" but "replaceable"?


The A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative is a research-based initiative that offers research-based products that are not considered returnable.  Therefore, the products are considered a one-time value exchange for the personal expenditures of time and other resources that the researcher(s) had to use to bring forth his/her "creation" based on scattered, sometimes hard to find, and sometimes concealed information.  Most, if not all, products of the A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative should be marked up by at least a 100% margin instead of the lowball prices that are quoted.  However, this research paradigm is not about avarice but about the evolvement of humanity; hence, the reason for the modest pricing of its offerings!  Please recognize that any information on this site was obtained by many, many, many hours of research requiring mental focus, and spiritual dedication.  Plainly put, if everyone could or was willing to do the research, then they would!  Consequently, please don't take the modest pricing for low quality work.

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© 2020 by A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative -  All Rights Reserved
The United States of America
(not United States and "without" United States)

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