As stated before:
"The Natural Law that I speak of is not to be mistaken and confused with Social Darwinism. This Natural Law that I am speaking of has been known by many names over many eons. Some call it Natural Law, some call it GOD’s law, some call it Maatian Law or the Law of Maat, some call it the Occult Force of the Universe, some call it the Soul of the Universe, some call it Tao, some call it Objective Morality or Moral Objective Truth, some call it The Law of Cause and Effect, some call it Nature’s Law and Nature’s God, some call it Enigma, some call it Mystery, while others call it Cosmic Natural Law, YOGA, etc… Of course this list of name-descriptions are very broad as the Natural Law is the Moral Objective Truth that will must-likely and typically be perceived through your inherited (handed-down) cultural lens." - Jimmie Roberson
However, this is by no means an adequate and thorough description of the Natural Law. Therefore, let me first say that the Natural Law is discoverable. As being discoverable, it was intuited and reasoned, a long time ago, that there is an "Objective Morality" and "Objective Truth" that is supposed to apply to everyone. This fundamental Truth was based on one's Natural Observation of the Unity, Synchronicity, Order, and Inter-Connectedness of the Cosmos and everything in it. As a matter of fact, there was a time when the elder generations would proclaim that "Everything is Everything!"
This Unity, Synchronicity, Order, and Inter-Connectivity was observed, analyzed, and evaluated in regard to people's relationship to the Universe. The primordial people of this planet, my ancestors, were given divine revelations regarding the breakdown of the Natural Law.
These divine revelations, were based on the observation of Natural Law and its natural phenomenon of leaning towards an arc that formed "Order out of Chaos". This orientation, perception, and way of thinking was presented as an ever-growing and continuous epistemological and eschatological understanding. This understanding would continue as a stream of thought in which the following seven Natural Laws were discovered and identified as the basis of the Natural Law:
I. The Principle of Mentalism
II. The Principle of Correspondence
III. The Principle of Vibration
IV. The Principle of Polarity
V. The Principle of Rhythm
VI. The Principle of Cause and Effect
VII. The Principle of Gender
- The Kybalion, By Three Initiatives
These highest principles of the Natural Law would give birth to the various derivations of it. Some of these derivations would be the 42 Laws of Maat and its various and later derivations known as the Ten Commandments, the Hammarabi Code, etc...
The "Will of God", for those who had eyes to see, would be known as the Natural Law. In order to establish "Order out of Chaos"and "Heaven on Earth", one would have to align his or her "will" with the Creator's "Will" known as the Natural Law.
Even though people are co-creators, those people that were/are intuitively perceptive co-creators would quickly realize that choice was really an "allusion" when it came down to whether or not to detach or align ones self with the Creator's Natural Law. Here, the appearance of having a "choice" to detach from Natural Law would only cause Misery, Suffering, and Shame! Furthermore, this Misery, Suffering, and Shame could only be hidden by Ignorance and Cupidity.
As a matter of fact, how many people do you personally know that think that their status, materialism, and worldly possessions can grant them happiness? I'm sure in today's great time of suffering, you know of many.
Don't misunderstand me, the truth of the matter is that it is nothing wrong with having those things if you can remain anchored in your higher-self. This anchoring comes with the realization that the Natural Law governs our Reality. Simply put, are you psychologically mature enough to have those things without fettering your soul because of your ignorance in trying to separate your being and existence from the Natural Law.
How could one, in substance and not artificiality, truly detach him or herself from their Reality? To ask the question is to answer it. This separation is an impossibility that can only be sold to blinded people by fiat. People that are blinded by their ambitions, without integrity, in search for those things that they can use to substitute in place of the Natural Law.