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1) What is Natural Law (the Law of Nature and Nature's God)?

The Natural Law is called and known by many names in different cultures, traditions, and places.  It is called the Law of God, Cosmic Law, Objective Morality, Consequentialism, Karma, Dao, Tao, the Singularity, Universal Consciousness, Universal Law, etc.   It is the underlying singular consciousness and energy structure that orders the entire universe of existence and non existence.

2) What causes the suffering of individuals?  How do groups play into this suffering?

Individual suffering is caused by ignorance of the Natural Law.  This ignorance of Natural Law leads to one trying to live a life without accountability, responsibility, and liability to uphold all actions in accordance and alignment with the Natural Law or Moral Objectivity.  Lack of alignment with Natural Law causes one to lead a life of self-aggrandizement  based on ego. 

Since this is a consensus reality,  a group or collection of individuals that agree to carry out actions not in alignment with Natural Law causes unwarranted, and un-needed suffering to  those that desire and want to follow the natural law.  This is because those groups start to try to arrest and oppress the truth of Natural Law for selfish egotistical purposes.  These purposes are based on "moral relativism" instead of "moral objectivity".


3) What are the fundamental understandings of Natural Law?

-As above so below, As within so without (the establishment of Heaven on Earth /  Peace).
-All are equal before and under the Natural Law (no one is above the natural law!)
-Truth is owned by no one (in other words, no one can copyright or has a special privilege to hold the truth from others).
-Each individual must come to know truth.
-Non-accountability and non-responsibility to the Natural Law causes Liability and suffering to the Natural Law breaker.
-Grace is afforded only within alignment with Natural Law (peace and salvation is upheld as long as Natural Law is upheld).
-The Natural Law must become written on the minds, hearts, and body of every individual on the planet.
-Do No Harm


4) What is Moral Relativism?

Moral Relativism is the idea or ideology that one has "choice" to determine a personal truth that is not in alignment and accordance with Natural Law.  Unfortunately, the use of ones' "will power" to evade, avoid, and ignore Natural Law is illusory as it is the source of all of humanity's suffering. Therefore, there is not truly a choice if you want to avoid suffering. Also, moral relativism is called and known by many names, one of which is Satanism - which is the exalting of the ego over, and in defiance to, the Natural Law.

5) What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is the flow and control of energy vibration via the breathing or the Breath of Life.  Simply put, everything is spiritual - even physicality.   Things become non-spiritual when one's consciousness separates from the Natural Law.  In effect, when one tries, with absurdity, to unplug him/herself from the singularity or energy source.

6) What is Religion?

Religion is any belief system or doctrine that one espouses.  There are as many religions as there are people on the planet with thoughts.  This is because everyone's beliefs and thoughts are constantly changing from day to day.

However, formal religious belief systems are those doctrines that use mythology through allegories, parables, metaphors, fables, archetypes, etc. to create a political two-door system in which one can become most-likely enslaved by all of the exoteric narratives or liberated by esoterically understanding the Natural Law lessons beneath the political "exoteric" narratives.

Many religions have back doors, unknown to lay people, so that different divisions, separations, and caste privileges can be created amongst the people without their knowledge and awareness.  This way support can be garnered when such support would have been, otherwise, lost if such information was generally known by that religion's believers.

7) What does "Christ" or "Christ Consciousness" mean?

The term "Christ" is a title that means one that has become enlightened by bringing his/her consciousness and actions back in the alignment with Natural Law. Literally known as the "anointed one", this individual sees that there is only "One Reality" or "Unified Consciousness" in which everything else is illusory.  There is a true and genuine uniting of the individual consciousness and universal consciousness.

Depending on time, region, place, and the spiritual or religious system utilized, the term was and is called by other titles such as Asar, Buddha, Krishna, Heru, Tammuz, Odin, Confucius, Adonis, Sema Tawy, etc...

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