In this day and time, there is so much information that is causing information overload. So much so, that people have allowed 5-10 minute ticktock video clips, youtube video shorts, and technology snippets the opportunity to replace genuine research and scholarship with sound bites and short-attention span videos.
It must be understood that genuine research and scholarship can only be obtained and accomplished through adequate researching, reading, comparison, comprehending, analyzing, and evaluation of primary and secondary sources.
Even though these short-attention video paradigms are great starting places for research ideas, they are not adequate replacements for true scholarship and research into areas of curiosity.
Therefore, here at the A.S.A.R. R.A. INITIATIVE, you are given the opportunity to anonymously or non-anonymously submit research ideas and suggestions that you would like the platform to explore, research, analyze, evaluate, and cover. Remember, that this platform's purpose and identity is to research any/and all subjects, topics, and concepts within the following 9 areas of life:
1. Economics, 2. Education, 3. Entertainment, 4. Labor, 5. Law, 6. Politics, 7. Religion, 8. Sex, 9. War
[Credit given to Mr. Neely Fuller for his magnificent codification of these 9 areas - The United Independent Compensatory Code / System / Concept.]
Let's face it, must people don't have the time and/or desire to spend huge amounts of quality time researching various subjects, topics and concepts of life. However, this is why this platform exists. Research is its purpose. Consequently, let the platform do this for you while you are juggling around the everyday demands of life.
***Of course as with anything, it costs money to gain access to sources that can be used to adequately research the question(s) of concern. Sometimes these valuable resources are priced at exorbitant prices to keep ordinary, every day, non-affluent people from getting access to the potential life-changing knowledge that is located within those sources. With this in mind, please consider donating anything that you can to help defray the expenses of obtaining and researching these vast array of subjects, topics, and concepts.***
No man, woman, or child is an island. But together we can accomplish what we concentrate our minds on - ONE GIANT MIND EVOLVING TOGETHER; AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME!
3) Click on the button here to donate Monthly, Yearly, and/or One-Time Monetary Contributions!