The dangers of Mythology are real and constant. We find that the entire planet has been seduced by Mythologies because of peoples' ignorance and neglect to be on a constant guard that Mythology is:
The immediately predilection is to say "So What?". "What does it matter that it is fictional and non-history?" It matters because to acknowledge mythology as real is to trick the mind into believing something that is not true.
Unfortunately, this standard of thought, enslaves the mind into a form of self-imposed slavery. A self-imposed slavery that entangles the mind into a labyrinth and maze of superstitions based on faulty and fallacious thinking.
This faulty and fallacious thinking thereby keeps one in a psychological "mindset of childhood" that is extended way into adulthood. Sometimes this childhood mindset is from "Cradle to Grave".
Without the appropriate understanding that Mythology is not literal history, then one can not see the bigger picture regarding the cyclic lessons belonging to general history. Lessons through mythology can convey patterns to observe, repeat, or not repeat.

The benefits of Mythology can be exceptional once it has been realized that mythology is fictional, and non-history. The realization of this gives the mind the opportunity to search for true patterns and meanings.
The true patterns and meanings of mythology can be gleaned once it is acknowledged that mythology is a "Learning Capacity Device" (LCD - my coined term). As such, mythology has the potential and capacity to teach morality lessons and patterns in regard to Natural Law and peoples' relationship with the Cosmos and each other.
To try to give credence to mythology as being real history makes one miss the entire point of the potential lesson. Of which, the grandest potential lesson being that you and you alone are responsible, accountable, and liable for your actions.
Regardless if there had been a Buddha, Krisna, Jesus, Mohammed, etc..., you would not be able to hang on the proverbial "coat-tails" of such people. For your life's actions belong to you. Every correct action and misstep.
In general, mythology was chosen because it has the ability to EXPAND with the times to convey and transmit standards, traditions, psychological orientations, and spiritual insight and explanations regarding the abstractions of the Cosmos - all in accordance to the varying and individualized psychological capacities of different people in differing times of their life.
In other words, when you are psychologically ready the teacher (as mythology) would show up through the teachings. Furthermore, everyone would get what they had the CAPACITY to mentally ingest at that given moment of their life!