The World-Wide African
The African, Sage, Aether, Resurrection, Research, and Application Initiative is an idea and paradigm that stresses research over faulty belief systems. Therefore, one of the initiatives is the acquisition and reclamation of African peoples' epistemological knowledge, traditions, customs, and common origins worldwide. The initiative stresses the view that African people are a nation of people connected worldwide by common sentiment, common traditions, common heritage, common origins, and common blood. Furthermore, it is a push to constructively put the epistemological knowledge, traditions, and customs harmoniously back in alignment with natural law. This push is with the sole intent and purpose of discerningly shedding that which has been intentionally and unintentionally corrupted and falsely added to or deleted from. It's on-going goal is to, honestly, accept and embrace that which we, as an ancient people, constructively got right and then reject, atone, and obliterate that which we destructively got wrong. In the end, it is a move for the "genuine" replacement of faulty, unjust "belief" systems with those systems that will produce "genuine" justice for all!
Whereas, science is consistently and continuingly proving Africa (specifically Nile Valley Civilizations) to be the birth place of humanity, interestingly, there are some people that view Africa (also known and called - "Asia" and "East Africa") as the "original homeland" of humanity, and then some people that view America (also known and called - "West Africa" and "Atlantis") as the "original homeland" of humanity. The facts, over time, will eventually prove out one of these positions, without a "shadow of a doubt", once both location's strata have been thoroughly investigated in accordance to time, space, place, and plane. However, until then, this is really a mute point since, notwithstanding any views and orientation-perceptions concerning the locality of humanity's origins, African descendants are indigenous to the entire planet by eldest birthright claims, from time immemorial. These thoughts and points are made relatively simple when understood in consideration of Africans' continuous movements and migrations across this universal globe. Movements and migrations that have happened over eons, but especially during those cyclic, catastrophic, and constantly changing polar events that have effected every location on this planet since the days of Pangea. In addition, regardless of appellations, monikers, nicknames, and labels such as Africans, Americans, African-Americans, American-Africans, Moors, Negros, Coloreds, Indians, Natives, Native-Americans, American-Natives, Blacks, etc..., these people must come into the true knowledge of who they are. Therefore, they have to reclaim, regardless of location, their proper reasoning powers, their proper powers of insight, and their proper intuitive powers when it comes to the affairs of men and the need for accountability in all facets of life - worldwide. For there is no other way of liberating the mind of its shackles except through self-realization and living up to our ancestor's philosophy - "KNOW THYSELF". Moreover, so-called black people have to come to the solemn realization that dividing lines and allegiances will never obliterate the factually proven relations of their common sentiments, their common traditions, their common heritage, their common origins, and, first and foremost, their common blood. However, if there is a continued refusal to correct and reckon their knowledge and wisdom in "relation" to the proper orientation and the appropriate application of "economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war", then they will be destroyed by lack of substantive knowledge, in those areas, according to the below admonition:
“In vain the true believers invoke heaven and the prophet. The prophet. The prophet is dead; and heaven without pity answers:
Cease to invoke me. You have caused your own misfortunes; cure them yourselves. Nature has established laws; your part is to obey them. Observe, reason, and profit by experience. It is the folly of man which ruins him; let them gain instruction. Their chiefs are wicked; let them correct and amend; for such is Nature’s decree.”
– Ruins of the Empire, by C.F. Volney, p. 52.
So what is it going to be?
Are you willing to invest and sacrifice some time in reading to eliminate your ignorance?
Are you willing to set aside your attached preconceived ideas and false notions in order to eradicate your ignorance?
Are you willing to accept the mental pain and mental anguish that, undoubtedly, comes with the correction of "not being aware of what you are un-aware of"?