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Jimmie Roberson is a truth-seeker, a freethinker, and an independent researcher.  As such, he has put an emphasis in being a teacher of math, natural law, the occult, metaphysics, and mysticism.  He specializes in researching a broad range of various topics such as, but not limited to, philosophy, law, history, counseling, psychology, mythology, science, and any other integral subjects, topics and concepts located within the 9 areas of life (1. Economics, 2. Education, 3. Entertainment, 4. Labor, 5. Law, 6. Politics, 7. Religion, 8. Sex, 9. War).


[Credit given to Mr. Neely Fuller for his magnificent codification of these 9 areas - The United Independent Compensatory Code / System / Concept.]


Jimmie Roberson obtained a bachelor's degree in Business Management.  After receiving his undergraduate degree, he worked for a legal-process serving company (founded and owned by a lawyer and private investigator) while getting prepared to go to law school.  Upon passing his LSAT (Law School Admissions Test) in preparations to attend law school, he had a change in mind at the last moment.  This change in mind came as a result of his romanticized ideas of the search for truth and justice being turned upside down. This crisis of conscious came from an in-depth research, and investigative analysis of the law and the law industry.  An in-depth research and investigation that would provide a penetrating evaluation into the inner veil of the law and its disturbing business and contracting practices; while, simultaneously shattering Jimmie's life-long hope and desire to become a business lawyer.  A professional desire that had been intimate since childhood!


From this point of realization,  he opted instead to go back to school and become a math teacher. Next he would acquire a master's degree in counseling with post-graduate work. Moreover, because of his up-bringing, he placed an intentional emphasis on the research and investigation of religions, belief systems, and comparative mythologies while acquiring his counselor's degree with post-graduate work.  This research and investigation into religions, belief systems, and comparative mythologies was not only an intentional focus in school but became an ever-consuming part of his personal life.




The Journey and its Catalyst


As a young boy, Jimmie was brought up in the Baptist Christian Church “orientation” and tradition.  However, as he continued to grow up in that tradition, he found that something was amiss in the teachings, scriptures, and lessons that were being delivered, every Sunday, by the pastor and preacher(s). As a child, he could not officially name what that “something” was at that time.  However, he knew, without a doubt that it had to do with Objective Morality and lessons that had "secondary" meanings disguised as parables, allegories, and metaphors.  In hindsight, he knew that only part of the story was being revealed!  Therefore, he became more universal in his religious thoughts and perspectives. An evolving universal process in search of "secondary" meanings that he would one-day come to know as mysticism.


Realizing at an early age that the biblical narrative was not “literal” history, he intuitively came to know that the underlining value of the lessons was not seen by the majority of the church congregation.  He also came to know that "creative mythology" was being used as a “LCD” [learning capacity device] and “proxy” to represent abstract concepts and divine revelation(s) in regard to the enigma and mystery called GOD and GOD’s law, The Natural Law.


This prompted him to start investigating, theorizing, and internalizing that the biblical and other religious narratives were all mythological devices tailored for a potential learning-expansion in direct relation to each individual’s personal spiritual capacity, potential, and self-realized connection with the universe.  Also, it brought him to a unique and subtle understanding of the dangerous possibilities and potentials of using religion(s) as an “artifice” of control, oppression, and potential political expediency. After all, most people believed the biblical narrative to be “literal” history instead of a “creative poetry” [in mythology form] that describes an enigma and occult force that people call GOD as well as GOD’s law, The Natural Law.


Once leaving the “proverbial nest” after high-school, he would use all of his resources and experiences to test his theory by beginning an intensive life-long journey to trace back to the original source of religious teachings through investigation of various histories, philosophies, religions, social sciences, mythologies, and law. 


To his astonishment and surprise, Jimmie would find out that not only did the religious writings of the world lead him back to his ancient African Egyptian ancestors, but that the intuitive feelings and reasoning abilities that he had as a boy would be verified and justified. Jimmie would soon see that his internal orientation, perspective, and knowledge was accurately in alignment with his ancient ancestors’ spiritual knowledge and way of seeing things!


Thus, the hero’s journey for this man, from childhood to manhood, began in which he took up the mantle to openly and transparently honor his ancient ancestors and their gifts of wisdom to the world!   He chose to go against the grain and  against all opposition.  Choosing to discard all and turn back, in the spirit of Sankofa, to retrieve the more correct and proper understandings of what it genuinely means to bring “Heaven to Earth”.   The true free-will process of "tying-back" to GOD's Natural Law, known as YOGA and Smai Tawi!

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