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The A.S.A.R. R.A. Initiative is an idea whose time has come.  It is the idea that misnomered and so-called black people, regardless of worldly location, must become more serious and responsible in researching their world history in all functioning areas of life. These nine functional areas of life have been eloquently and categorically described and presented by Neally Fuller, Junior as:  1)  Economics, 2) Education, 3) Entertainment, 4) Labor, 5) Law, 6) Politics, 7) Religion, 8) Sex, and 9) War - The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept, (1971).


Regardless of location, so-called black people are connected by common history, common sentiment, common traditions, and linked by blood and common origins:




 “The nearest we can get to a definition is to say that a nation is a group of people bound together by common history, common sentiment and traditions, and usually (though not always, as, for example, Belgium or Switzerland) by common heritage.  A state, on the other hand, is a society of men united under one government.  These two forms of society are not necessarily coincident.  A single nation may be divided into several states, and conversely a single state may comprise several nations or parts of nations.” – John Salmond, Jurisprudence 136 (Glanville L. Williams., ed 10th ed. 1947). – Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, p. 1050.


“Haeres ex Asse – in Civil Law is an heir to the whole Estate; sole heir." – Henry Campbell Black’s Law Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Jurisprudence, p. 841.


The Words "Lineal Heirs" like "heirs" of the body mean all "lineal descendants to the remotest posterity and are words of 'inheritance' and not of 'Purchase' [these are a people linked by blood and common origins – my emphasis]”. – Henry Campbell Black’s Law Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Jurisprudence 4th Edition, pg. 1079.





As collective members and researchers, it is our responsibility to search out the constructive and destructive parts (we don't get to choose the good stuff and ignore the bad stuff) of our history, so that we can use correct epistemology in alignment with correct facts and correct information.  This on-going project should be used to keep that which our ancestors got right, and to discord that which has become destructive to our natural existence, natural evolution, and natural progression.





As no man, women, or child is an island unto themselves, your contributions are a valuable input in the progression of our people and humanity as a whole.  Therefore, we are always open for contributions that help us continue the push to help our people and humanity evolve.  Those contributions can be in the form of offered research suggestions, research ideas, research sources, research leads, and/or monetary donations.


If you are interested please select one or more of the donation links below. If you would like to provide potential research ideas, suggestions, leads, or sources, anonymously, then you can comfortably do that without providing any personal and private information.  However, if you would like to provide the same information, non-anonymously, then you can do that with the assurance of being credited with giving that information-donation.  Furthermore, monetary donations can also be provided in any amount by the donation button below.


Please remember that this research quest is not about one individual and is not about icon-worship.  Fundamentally, it is about our relinking back to each other for the salvation of generations yet to come! 


Our time of being artificially considered outlaws from the family of nations has to cease now!


Three Options provided below:



1) Click here to anonymously send research suggestions, research ideas, research sources, and/or research leads!




2) Click here to non-anonymously send research suggestions, research ideas, research sources, and/or research lead!



3) Click on the button here to donate Monthly, Yearly, and/or One-Time Monetary Contributions!

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*** If I decide to donate, how will my monetary donations be used?


***These donations are used to search out, find, and acquire research resources and materials that have been intentionally hidden and exorbitantly priced so that our people are barred access to such information.  These situations,  of course, are continuously used to keep so-called black people in the dark concerning matters that effect our everyday lives.  This necessary research is not about the following two concerns and should never be as it is total disrespect of every thing that our ancestors were trying to accomplish.  In addition, it is a disrespect to all of the people that are in anguish and suffering because of the perpetuation of the following negative social engineering constructs:


Ignorance and Cupidity



Unfortunately, ignorance and cupidity have many of our people thinking and accepting the illusion that money (a psychology trick based on confidence) is your ticket out of your desolation. Sorry to be the one to tell you but this is a fallacy.  This is especially true of our more affluent, that think they have made it because of their monetary status! Unfortunately, people are taking on false notions that magically your monetary status is going to gain you acceptance and change peoples' systemically-contrived narratives about you.  As a result of these false notions, these people believe that they don't have to concern themselves with the continued plight of humanity's downfall and destruction - and somehow that they (or their loved ones) will not be touched and affected by such vicious cycles! Vicious cycles, based on fallacies, that will destroy EVERYONE if left uncorrected and unchecked.***





Ignorance is "The state of being ignorant:  lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. -


Cupidity is "1.  inordinate desire for wealth: Avarice, Greed.  2.  :strong desire: lust." -



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The United States of America
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